Help! My Email Is Broken: Common Errors + Fixes

The world of email is full of potential pitfalls. Support for techniques can vanish without warning, and sudden changes to email clients’ rendering engines make it tricky for email marketers to understand what’s going to work where. Read on to learn common ways emails can break and how to fix it.
The post Help! My Email Is Broken: Common Errors + Fixes appeared first on Litmus.

Don’t Follow Tesla’s Marketing Mistake

Tesla dismissed its marketing team this month. The layoffs come only a year after a mandate to “try advertising” that Elon Musk later said was “too generic.” But is marketing really to blame? Is there a takeaway for other companies?

Books don’t sell

That’s not true, actually. Books sell, but book doesn’t. The odds of a particular book selling a lot of copies are close to zero. The truth of the long tail is that most titles are way out on the fringe. Now that book publishing is unleashed from retail distribution, the math is hard to avoid.

Bottom of the funnel

It’s easy to get focused on the public-facing mouth of the funnel. More followers. More impressions. More buzz, hype, promotion. Get the word out. Just about all the time people who call themselves “marketers” spend is on this. Don’t worry about what happens later, just pour more attention into the top. But the math is

brightonSEO Live Blog

Being the introvert I am, my idea of fun isn’t hanging around our booth all day explaining we’ve run out of t-shirts (seriously, you need to be fast if you want swag!). So I decided to do something useful and…Read more ›