
Prompt engineering

It began with what bosses needed to say to get workers to do what they needed done. And then it became widespread, because typing the right things into Google makes it more likely you will find what you’re looking for. (True aside: When I worked at Yahoo, they had a secret list of the 100

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Intuitive Web Design: How to Make Your Website Intuitive to Use

The easier your website is to use, the more people use it. An essential part of “easy to use” is intuitiveness. Intuitive design means that when a user sees it, they know exactly what to do. Intuitive design is invisible. Design is intuitive when users can focus on a task at hand without stopping, even for
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What is A/B Testing? The Complete Guide: From Beginner to Pro

A/B testing splits traffic 50/50 between a control and a variation. A/B split testing is a new term for an old technique—controlled experimentation. Yet for all the content out there about it, people still test the wrong things and run A/B tests incorrectly. This guide will help you understand everything you need to get started
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